@xdefi_wallet is a one wallet for all your crypto assets , allowing you to swap 10,000+ assets on 34 blockchains.
16 Oct 2023, 05:33
@xdefi_wallet is a one wallet for all your crypto assets , allowing you to swap 10,000+ assets on 34 blockchains.
For me this is the best UXs around for crypto space.
Same news in other sources
16 Oct 2023, 06:01
[6차 PIB토큰 소각 공시]
안녕하세요. 피블팀입니다.
#PIB 토큰 홀더들에게 대단한 소식! 6번째 토큰 버닝 이벤트가 10월 16일에 진행되었습니다. 총 공급량을 줄여 홀더들의 가치를 증가시킵니다. 토큰에 미치는 긍정적인 영향을 지켜봐주세요 #Pibble #BomulPlanet
Naver link :
[6th PIB token incineration announcement]
Hi, Pibblers!!
Big news for #PIB token holders! Our 5th token burning event is happening on 16th Oct, reducing the overall supply and increasing value for our holders. Keep an eye out for the positive impact on PIB tokens #Pibble #BomulPlanet
Medium link :
[6차 PIB토큰 소각 공시]. 안녕하세요. 피블팀입니다. #PIB 토큰 홀더들에게 대단한 소식. 6번째 토큰 버닝 이벤트가 10월 16일에 진행되었습니다. 총 공급량을 줄여 홀더들의 가치를 증가시킵니다.
[6차 PIB토큰 소각 공시]
안녕하세요. 피블팀입니다.
#PIB 토큰 홀더들에게 대단한 소식! 6번째 토큰 버닝 이벤트가 10월 16일에 진행되었습니다. 총 공급량을 줄여 홀더들의 가치를 증가시킵니다. 토큰에 미치는 긍정적인 영향을 지켜봐주세요 #Pibble #BomulPlanet
Naver link : https://blog.naver.com/pibbleio/223238070447
[6th PIB token incineration announcement]
Hi, Pibblers!!
Big news for #PIB token holders! Our 5th token burning event is happening on 16th Oct, reducing the overall supply and increasing value for our holders. Keep an eye out for the positive impact on PIB tokens #Pibble #BomulPlanet
Medium link : https://pibbleio.medium.com/6th-pib-token-incineration-announcement-0c3d75c30f83
FindoraFRA #1117
16 Oct 2023, 06:00
Update [October 15 - 11:02 PM]
Graph Node
Symptom: Staking Values Missing in Wallet (Cosmetic)
Current Status: Workaround Being Applied
Update: DevOps built a secondary Graph node to serve in a hot-standby role, meaning the backup Graph server can serve requests should the primary fail as we continue to fix this particular problem. This added redundancy should help reduce or avoid impact on your wallet staking information.
Wallet staking data should display properly in a few hours once the new Graph node catches up to the current block height.
Full Node (DB Lock)
Symptom: No User Impact
Current Status: Workaround Applied
Update: We are continuing to diagnose what has caused the database to lock on the full nodes. We have a current workaround that proactively restores service when this happens, but we will apply a more permanent solution once the root cause has been established.
Wallet Unbonded Tokens
Symptom: Unbonded FRA was not displaying correctly in the wallet.
Current Status: Resolved
Update: All 113 unbonding transactions have been processed, and users whose unbonded tokens were missing should now show in the Findora wallet.
Symptom: Tokens transferred over Rialto weren’t appearing in wallets.
Current Status: Resolved
Update: All Rialto Bridge transactions are now reflecting properly in user balances.
Update [October 15 - 11:02 PM]. Graph Node. Symptom: Staking Values Missing in Wallet (Cosmetic).
Update [October 15 - 11:02 PM]
Graph Node
Symptom: Staking Values Missing in Wallet (Cosmetic)
Current Status: Workaround Being Applied
Update: DevOps built a secondary Graph node to serve in a hot-standby role, meaning the backup Graph server can serve requests should the primary fail as we continue to fix this particular problem. This added redundancy should help reduce or avoid impact on your wallet staking information.
Wallet staking data should display properly in a few hours once the new Graph node catches up to the current block height.
Full Node (DB Lock)
Symptom: No User Impact
Current Status: Workaround Applied
Update: We are continuing to diagnose what has caused the database to lock on the full nodes. We have a current workaround that proactively restores service when this happens, but we will apply a more permanent solution once the root cause has been established.
Wallet Unbonded Tokens
Symptom: Unbonded FRA was not displaying correctly in the wallet.
Current Status: Resolved
Update: All 113 unbonding transactions have been processed, and users whose unbonded tokens were missing should now show in the Findora wallet.
Symptom: Tokens transferred over Rialto weren’t appearing in wallets.
Current Status: Resolved
Update: All Rialto Bridge transactions are now reflecting properly in user balances.
Crust NetworkCRU #1074
16 Oct 2023, 05:47
A great proposal is being made to help projects that include
to achieve product-market fit.
We cordially invite you to review the proposal and cast your valuable vote on the proposal page. We believe this proposal will bring benefits to our community.
For more details, please check the link in the comments:⬇️
A great proposal is being made to help projects that include. @CrustNetwork. to achieve product-market fit.
A great proposal is being made to help projects that include
to achieve product-market fit.
We cordially invite you to review the proposal and cast your valuable vote on the proposal page. We believe this proposal will bring benefits to our community.
For more details, please check the link in the comments:⬇️